Dagobert Brandes Junior
Engineering and Supply Manager

More than 80 thousands documents managed in one of the largest thermoelectric plants in Brazil

Highly complex engineering projects demand a system that meets the project’s management requirements.  The challenge is even greater in engineering projects covering companies from various countries. This is the case of the thermoelectric Miroel Wolowski “UTE Pampa Sul”. The project is an investment of Tractebel Energia, with chinese, german and american supply, Engineer of the Owner joint between China and Brazil.

case-tamanhoCOMPANY SIZE: Large
case-segmentoCOMPANY SECTOR: Engineering
case-tipo-projetoPROJECT TYPE: Thermoelectric

João Ricardo Beltramin
Electrical Engineer

Managers of one of the largest wind park in the country adopt the KeepControl ECM to organize and control the issuance of documents

By involving several companies, with specific management processes, the project presents challenges inherent in high complexity projects. With several stages of review and analysis, management through traditional tools like email, spreadsheets and FTP is unfeasible. Complex processes increase the need to use a tool that ensures control of each stage of the project.

case-tamanhoCOMPANY SIZE: Large
case-segmentoCOMPANY SECTOR: Engineering
case-tipo-projetoPROJECT TYPE: Wind Complex

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